Optimizing Safety for Petroleum Storage Tanks with Specialized Rescue Teams

petroleum tank maintenance

The petroleum industry is a major contributor to Canada’s economy, but the inherent risks associated with this industry require a specialized skill set, particularly when hazardous operating conditions, accidents or vandalism require a rescue to be carried out.

Petroleum storage tanks are dotted about the country, used by large-scale corporations and small businesses alike to store gasoline and other petroleum-based products, and these assets must be protected and adequately maintained at all times to guard against the risks of spillages, leaks, fire and explosion.

Risks posed by a petroleum storage tank

An inadequately maintained petroleum storage tank may leak, causing environmental contamination and costing the business money and reputational harm. These tanks are also a high-risk target for vandals and activists as their contents are highly combustible. Temperature fluctuations and ground conditions can cause movement within the storage tank’s shell, leading to particulate or corrosion contamination of the contents. This can create harmful chemical reactions that could result in an explosion.

Overcoming the risks

Optimizing safety requires a multi-pronged approach. First, petroleum storage tanks must be routinely inspected and maintained to ensure that they remain in proper condition and are safe to use. In addition, a specialist rescue team must be available to handle any emergency situations or evacuations that may arise.

Rescue teams will be trained to contain the spread of a fire, minimize environmental damage, and prevent hazardous materials from creating long-term health risks. They are equipped with firefighting equipment and rescue equipment and are skilled in communicating effectively in an emergency situation.

Specialist rescue teams will be adept at working in confined spaces and have access to the latest tools, techniques and PPE to initiate and complete a successful rescue mission if a worker becomes trapped in a petroleum storage tank or in any interconnecting tunnels in an industrial facility.

Specialist rescue teams should be called on to help businesses with response planning and risk assessment activities, rather than just being asked to handle any emergencies that arise. By seeking their advice and guidance early, it is possible to put in place effective mitigations to the risks that exist, enhancing safety and optimizing the reliability of petroleum storage operations for businesses of all sizes.

Workplace safety must be a priority

A multifaceted approach to safety is necessary for businesses with petroleum storage tanks situated on their work sites. They must seek the support of specialist organizations to perform risk assessments, follow a strict regimen of maintenance and inspections, contain leaks and spillages to prevent environmental harm, and be prepared to call in a specialist rescue team if a crisis arises that they are unable to handle with existing resources.


By prioritizing safety in the workplace, industrial settings will reduce their risk level, preserve worker wellbeing, and protect themselves against financial penalties and reputational harm. In short, the petroleum industry is an easy target for environmentalists and activists, so it is necessary to put all possible safety measures in place to preserve the integrity of this vital sector.