A fuel construction project is a serious undertaking, even if the project isn’t on a massive scale. To avoid budget strains and any serious disasters, avoid these common fuel construction project mistakes.
Not determining scope and scale in advance
The scale and scope of your project must be considered from all angles in advance. This means knowing what your current needs are and exploring how those needs may change in the future. A budget range must also be set during the planning stages. The aspects of your project will impact the decisions you make as it moves forward, so you must have a picture that is as complete as possible. Otherwise, you are making decisions without all of the relevant information.
One of the toughest parts of a fuel constriction project is this initial phase: planning for your company’s future while keeping your projects and costs in line with reality. However, it is a necessary step to take. To kick off your planning process, write down what you are hoping to achieve with this project overall, and take a close look at how the project’s aspects will move you toward your ultimate goals.
Selecting the wrong petroleum tank type
You can store fuel below or above ground, and you will find many different types of tanks in both of these basic styles. The type of tank you need for your project depends on many factors, including how much space is available and which ordinances and regulations you must comply with. If space is an issue for you, for example, you may need to go with a below-ground tank to meet your needs and the tank’s environment.
Another thing to consider when you are deciding between an above-the-ground or below-the-ground tank is what you need now and what you may need in the future, depending on your plans for your business. It is, for example, going to be more cost-effective and easier to start with an underground tank that is bigger than what you need currently than having to try to find space for a bigger or second tank in the future.
Working with inexperienced partners
Once you have the rough outline of your project down on paper, finding an experienced professional to assist you is next. An experienced fuel service provider will help you identify things you overlooked, and this can help keep costs — and surprises — down.
While you may be tempted to save money by going with inexperienced professionals, be aware that this route can end up costing you far more in the end, along with adding unnecessary stress and complications to the job. Inexperienced service providers may make costly mistakes that derail your project or even run afoul of regulations and ordinances your business must comply with. The end result could be a project that is over budget, unfinished and causing trouble with local or national governments.
Petroleum projects must be undertaken with the proper planning ahead of time and the right professionals on board. For your next petroleum project, make sure you are working with seasoned pros and know exactly what you are trying to accomplish.